SoulFrame Media Replacing negative feedback with constructive comments
SoulFrame Media | Marketing Insight
Words play a crucial role in self - expression. The right terms can define one’s position in society and make one feel recognized and heard. For 100 million ethnic minorities in the country, respectful terms in 500+ spoken and 15 social dialects were long forgotten as only derogatory words were used by people and in media.
SoulFrame Media, a leading media company, wanted to use its influence among households to change this. The objective was to reintroduce the forgotten terms of the country’s native languages and to make daily conversations more inclusive.
Delving into historical and contemporary texts we uncovered 200+ respectful words in five regional languages, with their pronunciations and contexts. The “Words of Respect” glossary and campaign showed the country that language was always meant to be inclusive. It was time that the country unlearned words of disrespect and learned Words of Respect.
To date, over 450 million minutes of “Words of Respect” inspired content has been viewed by audiences.
The idea was picked up by the most prominent ethnic minority personality – Media icon Lee – and featured on content platforms like Variety Show. It also coincided with the High Court releasing a guideline to combat racial stereotypes.